
 The first thing we had to do was to come up with ideas for our adverts.  As a group we were able to come up with three different ideas that we thought would work well, these ideas were to have a family playing on the kindle I’m going through all the features with some dramatic music. The second idea was to do a generic phone advert with cinematic shots of the  kinda.  The final idea in the one we chose was to make it look as if the kindle was being experimented on find out what it could do  i’m find out all the different features it has. We also added the cinematic shots from the second idea at the end with some information about the product.  So the first thing we had to do was to come up with  advert ideas the.  Were able to do this quite well in a group as we have different suggestions and we were able to narrow it down to 3 main ideas. These ideas were to have a family sitting in the living room on the kindle playing and trying to find something that they could do together with
 We did this on pictochart Because there are a large range of templates for us to use, however I decided to create my own template instead of use one provided because it would have  unique design  For this task we were put back into our groups of four and given for psychographics. Before we were given work alternative, leading edge,  The retired, and the  explorers. As these four didn’t really go together we decided to get rid of the retired and the explorers I replaced them with the reformers as it fitted better with the alternative and leading edge. We then had to do research into these three groups to develop our knowledge. When we had got the information that was needed we had to make a presentation on our product watched including our psychographics. For the presentation we decided to split it up evenly and use Google slides so that we were able to work on it together and help each other without having to use the same computer. I wrote about the use of green screen and I’ll add

stuarts podcast

Soundtrack The soundtrack in my interactive video has a very intimidating and creepy music to it to relate with the psychological thriller side of the genre. This music goes all the way through interactive video.   I think it gave a good representation of genre because it made the atmosphere more scary and creepy compare to having music or fast music. If the music had a fast paced it would feel more of an exciting video where as we wanted it to be more of a scary video. The sound track is mixed into the video with the everyday noise around the areas we filmed in I think that this gave it a better philological feel because it is almost like a normal day suggesting that this could happen to anyone watching. Dialogue   My interactive video does not have much dialogue in throughout however there is a text scene at the beginning between the stalker and victim. The dialogue in this seeing the trays the Chandra so I can because the stalker has her phone number and is talking t
Today I did some secondary research into different ways to use projetos and it would be a good idea to lean more ways I could use the projects to create a better background over the models. Today I did my second photo shoot and I used the research that I have found to previous day to help me develop my ideas. Today I wrote up what I had done in the photo shoot and I disided that I wanted to try overeating the images to see if they would look any better.  Today I did some secondary research into video installations and I learn of two different installation artists  called Bill Viola and Craig Walsh These two artists both think too much to my these two artists both think to my  project as Bill viola does video installations and creates A video with overwhelming sound which I wish to include in my project, Craig Walsh uses projections onto Anonima objects such as trees which I plan to project in the background so also links to my final project. Today I wrote up what I had learnt on the
 In my first photo shoot I had an issue with the setup of my photos, I was shooting on a Tuesday for the whole day and  when I got there in the morning the studio wasn’t set up,  because of this I had to spend the first hour and a half lesson setting up the studio and finding equipment that I had booked, however out of two of the projectors I had booked one of them was already handed out for use so only one was available  so I had to do the projections with just one projector. However I did like the outcome of just one projector instead of two because I don’t think that he would’ve worked anyway. In this photo shoot my setup was going to be to have a projector on a table,   A tripod on other side of the table with the camera over the top of the projector so that you don’t get the project in the image book we get the whole projection in the photo, I was meant to have two whiteboards as the background so that the projection would show up properly I was not able to get these two boards as
In my feedback on my questionnaire I asked the question “do you have any of your own ideas on how to present this type of photography?“  I was given the idea to have more than one model and I thought this could actuall look quite nice and create the idea that women are  strong but when they unite their stronger.   after the photo shoot with more than one model I looked through the photo and the photos that weren’t pixelated because the background actually created a really nice feeling of unity.  As I’m doing  women’s rights I feel like having more than one model is quite a nice idea as in a woman’s rights man there are thousands of women stick together fighting for the same course.  I was also given the idea to have bold colours and I did this in my third photo shoot where I decided to overlay the images instead, as I was overlaying the images I didn’t need to project anything onto a white background so instead are used a bright orange background because when I overlaid the images I th
The women’s rights photography’s main purpose is to raise awareness to those who don’t already know and those who do. Women  started fighting for their rights in public in 1866 from 1888 women could vote in many local council elections over the years there have been  thousands of women’s rights movements and organisations that are there to raise awareness of the situation and help  campaign. Many women started at a young age to stand up and fight for their rights to vote and be themselves however Not everybody shouted their opinions for example, many men did not agree with women complaining and organising movements as they were assumed to be fragile beings and to be controlled by their husbands this was apparent by the fact that women were on able to vote for themselves, whereas the husbands did it for them.  I am going to create this by  using projections over the top of models to show that women are free to be who they wish to be. I am going to use different images over the years t


 Secondary research I have decided to do the change in women’s role in the army of the last century and how they were only able to be nurses also help handout food and supplies I’ll hell now where in I would become combat troops and fight for their country.  In World War I thousands of women served in the army as nurses alienation to develop female combat troops in substantial numbers was Russia.  In  17775 -  1783 women were allowed to follow their husbands into battle.   Many of these women served as laundresses,  nurses or cooks but only with permission from commanding offices and even if they had permission they’re only be allowed to if they have proven themselves helpful.   During the war of 1812 to women, Mary Marshall and Mary Allen, served as nurses for several months aboard the US at the request of  come onto Stephen Decatur. I will be starting my photography from 1917 and 1918 during the last two years of World War I this is when women were allowed to join the milit

Petes Applying media theories

Task 3 My film relates to props character theory because of their roles, however my characters do not relate to all of props characters. each of my characters relate to one or more characters from his theory such as Annie relates to the hero as she is the good guy in this situation. she is also the princess/prise as the stalkers main target is to kidnap or kill Annie. She is also the victim in this, because every thing that has or is happening to her is not her fault it is because of the background of the stalker. the stalker also take the role of the villain in this film, this may not be his own fault but because of the way that he was brought up, being shown no love or affection, however this could be his fault because of the the way he is handling the situation. The stalker also takes the role of The Dispatcher because of the way messages that he has sent annie this may of meant to be sensoir but just scared Annie sending her on her escape route, this could also of affected the end


​  She stands up from her space at the bus stop and nervously walks left where she Has to choose which direction to go will she go down the alley or straight ahead. She chooses down the alley and continues to walk  quickly through the alley where he suddenly appeared behind her and just watches her from the top of the stairs she turns round every few seconds and he keeps getting closer she walks as if raised attention that there is someone following her at the end of the alley she doesn’t know which way to go she turns around and here standing right there just staring at her she’s had enough she decides to fight him  She doesn’t know what happens she suddenly overtaken with the gentleman she angrily walks towards him screaming leave me alone then all of a sudden…  She kicked him she kicks him in the leg and my headbands to grab his  leg in pain she needs him in the face. She manages to get away.   She punches him in the face but is not hard enough he turns back towards her l

chris evaluation

1. Compare your WEBSITE with the film websites you looked at, at the start of term. - Demonstrate how your promotional package conforms to existing professional examples (use screenshots to illustrate your points) - Explain how yours is different and why. Were the differences due to creative choices, feedback from target audience, or limitations/problems you faced 1a. Justify your choices - colours / layout and design - why have you used it and does it work Because our film genre is a physiological horror/ thriller I chose to have dark gloomy colours for our design such as Black, White and Grey. As the background colours are all neutral tone I wanted the title to stand out, so of the “The” I used the colour white and for the “Choice” I used red. I did the title in different colours because I wanted the main word (the “Choice”) to stand out. On the other hand, the “Choice” may stand out the animated background is the main future for the fount page. This idea generated fro

Stefan evaluation

 We were asked to create an interactive film, and interactive film is that the audience is able to interact with, when I say this I mean there are  multiple scenarios and endings to each interactive video and the audience is able to choose how it ends.  In the lessons we have been preparing for the final interactive film by doing research into other interactive films,  for example, the research I conducted was on a YouTube clip called the chase , In this you able to choose which way to go to escape the people chasing you. I based my interactive film on this clip in a similar scenario.  We also had to create a group branch chart of our  first scene that would lead off to our own branches that we would direct for example Our first scene starts at Lidl’s bus stop and then there are three options on which way to go left right straightahead my direction  was left and this led to different scenarios throughout the branch. We  also did a test run,  in which we became Familia with the software


i  used a mix of colour in my website, the colours i used were red, white and black because i think it relates more to our genera of horror. i used the colour black as the background for text, videos and gallery. Because our film genre is a physiological horror/ thriller I chose to have dark gloomy colours for our design such as Black, White and Grey. As the background colours are all neutral tone I wanted the title to stand out, so of the “The” I used the colour white and for the “Choice” I used red. I did the title in different colours because I wanted the main word (the “Choice”) to stand out. On the other hand, the “Choice” may stand out the animated background is the main future for the fount page. This idea generated from the Jumanji website as it also had an animation on the background and had bright, standout lettering. Like the Black Panther website when you scroll down on my website it will take you to the trailer, and on the Black Panther website where, you scroll down thro


In this lesson we have been practising using hotspots. Here is the one i made, when making this you can add several different hotspots witch can contain Text, Images or videos.

Camera Techniques.

Camera Techniques. Tilted Panning  This is when you use a tripod to scale up or down a subject during the attention to different pats of the subject as you do it. For example, if i had a person i was introducing to a program and i wanted to build tension i would use a upward pan so that at you see more of the body you can try figure out who it is. You can create an upwards tilted pan, by starting the tripod tilted to the ground you can start filing the feet and slowly go up the body and viser verser. I would use a downward pan if i was scaling a build to meet a subject at the bottom of it.  This would be useful in my production if I were to create a more dominating factor to a character for example if Danny was standing in a normal frame shot he would seem less dominating, whereas ifThis camera shot was used it would be like a slow  reveal to find out Who is under his mask. Panning  This technique can also be done on a tripod you can use this technique to follow a moving object

survey evaluation

  In task one we looked at a website called survey monkey where we made surveys that were used in class to find out social media has that I’ll class members used. We did this to help us with where we should post our advertise meant for our interactive video this was useful to find out because our peers are the age range that our film will be basing the production we found out that 100% of the people we asked both use Snapchat and Instagram, that 80% use both YouTube and Twitter and that 40% use Facebook. From this survey we can take that Facebook is maybe not the best social media to advertise on but could still be useful whereas Snapchat and Instagram would be extremely helpful for the advertise meant of our interactive film because 100% of the age range that we will be facing a film that use the sites.  We also found out that on the sites 80% use them for News, spare time, for the fun of it and Music, 60% use it for films hundred % use it for communication this is it because 60%
Task 2

Contingency plan

  Contingency plan  If the cast or crew is busy or can’t make it -  if the cast cannot make it to shooting it is not the end of the world because Danny who is a stalker wears a black Hoody and a white mask that will cover his face so we can get someone in to film in his place. If the crew is busy or can’t make it we can swap and take on more than one responsibility within our group. We will just have to be well prepared and organise it in advance so there are no plans made for that day.  If we’re not allowed to film and location -  if there are certain areas that need permission to be filmed and we will make sure we have the permission in advance if we are unable to get the commission we can always film different parts on that day until we able to get permission. A cast member becomes unavailable to play their part -  we will have to have back up actors in case this does happen that will be able to be called in and quick notice to start filming  Computer crashes or breaks causi

River dale

River dale-  opening scene season one episode one the narration of the story it to tell the audience the previous events the poupouse of it,  it is to help the audience understand and put them in the right perspective for the series to come. As the series is a mystery the narration is spoken in a dreary way the voice over is also written/spoken by one of the main characters so this is not traditional non diabetic narration as it is his thought it is classed as meta diabetic narration.  The dialogue of this opening scene starts off as a very typical story beginning for example “Our story is about a town, a small town and the people who live in the town from a distance it presents the self that so many have a small towns all over the world safe, decent, innocent, get closer though and you start seeing the shadows underneath”  and this is unique because the opening scene of this TV series is being presented to the audience as if it was a book, I think this has a huge effect on the audi

Petes Report on Contexts

T ask 2 Report on Contexts 1. What genre would you classify your film as? Our film is a this is a thriller because it’s about a stalker and though out the film the tension during the film. Think of three other example from the same genre? Taken Braking bad Maze runner How do they relate? Our film and the films I choose are related because in all these films we follow the story of the victims. These films are based in a city’s of some sort, there are building all around and our film is in a the town centre. Why do media producers use genre? So that the audience can get more information is in the film and you know what you are watching and so that producers can compare what genre is doing well at the time so that can produce a well rated film Why do audiences use genre? We use them to decide what they want to whatch because different mood mean different genres Who is our target market? Our target age is 14-18 we chose this age range because they are into genres like
today i started making the website layout

the choice

The choice   Stalker has said he is coming for you in an attempt to escape you must make quick decisions to get to safety Scene 1  Annie is standing at Lidl’s  bus stop when she gets a text message from an unknown caller they have a conversation Annie is asking who he is  and how he got her number but the guy is being suspicious and not answering the questions directly  he says you will be mine look up and across the street and I can see a black hooded figure she decides not to wait for the bus as the added figure is coming towards her she tries to run but she only has three choices left right straight 2  She chooses left towards college 2a  After choosing going left towards college she has two options one high round the corner so that he doesn’t know where she’s gone  He sees her 2b or to keep walking straight all the way to college. 3a  She can go down the alley towards the back of Lidl’s  3b  She can run past him 3c-d She chooses keep walking she can either go strai