We did this on pictochart Because there are a large range of templates for us to use, however I decided to create my own template instead of use one provided because it would have  unique design

 For this task we were put back into our groups of four and given for psychographics. Before we were given work alternative, leading edge,  The retired, and the  explorers. As these four didn’t really go together we decided to get rid of the retired and the explorers I replaced them with the reformers as it fitted better with the alternative and leading edge. We then had to do research into these three groups to develop our knowledge. When we had got the information that was needed we had to make a presentation on our product watched including our psychographics.
For the presentation we decided to split it up evenly and use Google slides so that we were able to work on it together and help each other without having to use the same computer. I wrote about the use of green screen and I’ll add butter and how we would make it look like a home setting.  I also talked about the restraints and issues with using a green screen, and the colours that would be used in our advert to relate to our audience types.

For this we had to write individual scripts based on the loose storyline that we had come up with together as we were planning to have a narrator I decided to go along the lines of an interactive and more comedic advert to intrigue our audience and make the advert more  engaging. As we are using green screen I thought we could do a four way split screen with the actors looking back and forwards to each other, even though they’re not actually together it would seem as if they were. Once we had come up with our individual scripts we had to create a storyboard along those lines and give camera angles and music instructions on how we wouldfilm and edit it.
When we had all done our separate scrips and storyboards we had to come together and either pick someone’s idea or intertwine all of us together. My group decided to go down the lines of my script with a few tweaks for example we were going to get rid of one of the characters and have a three way split screen instead of a four.

Again for this section we had to create our own separate piece of work in this case we had to come up with 10 questions by ourselves that we wanted to ask our audience and then we came back together as a group and picked which ones we thought were the most appropriate for our target audience. We put our questions on survey monkey and  conducted a survey. For this we thought it would be better to have two of our members to ask people around the college and the other two ask people over social media as we would get a larger variety and have a wider  range of people.

 Once again we had to do our reflection on our server separately. We had to create a PowerPoint Page for each question and reflect on how that may affect our advert, for example, if we asked people what would make them change their shampoo brand and someone said a bright colourful an intriguing advert we would try and match that request so that we may attract that side of our audience. We also had to write a little bit about how the answers for that survey may affect our advert and make us want to change any parts.

 To  adapt our ideas based on our findings we had to create a focus group and record what we found out and what we thought we might need to change. Now for our group we were lucky as we didn’t need to change any ideas we just had to adapt and develop on something we already had for example we were going to use bright colours and we still are  however  some of the feedback said they would want more information about the product so we are going to make that a priority to the advert.

 For our final preproduction paperwork we decided to split it evenly so each of our group members had four pieces each.  As  we were using my script with a few changes we decided that it be best if I made the final script and then the group  looked over it to  add any extra ideas. As I was doing the script I was also assigned the shooting script and the storyboard as they relate to each other, and it just made sense. I  had one more piece of paperwork to do as well so I chose to do the costume list as it kind of relates to these as well because the characters that we had come up with had their own personalities so it was best for me to do it as I written the script with these characters.

 To begin preparation for costing we had to write a step-by-step on what we would say to them and we would asked them to get to know them before they did their performance to see if they would fit the characters. In this beginning preparation we didn’t do too much as we have  next week to go into more detail about it.

 This week we are preparing for casting and but to do this we have private Waze to talk to them on Waze not to buy watching a video.  This helped us to think of things to say and ways to save them
that would not make our actors uncomfortable and knock their confidence. We also had to print out
the paperwork that was required such as the script and the location plan as we needed to know how
we were setting up for casting.

  When we were casting our actors we had 14 different actors come through to perform. First thing we did was welcome them and tell them about our advert. We then asked them a question, we had different questions over the day so that it wouldn’t be repetitive, the next thing we did was tell them how the advert would go and what would be involved. Then we gave them the script and explained who they would be playing for the casting we also let them read through so they were ready and didn’t have to read on the spot. Once they’re done one or two takes in one of the characters we would ask them to swap and be a different character and performance in a different manner which I think was helpful because we could get a larger perspective on their abilities.
Once we had conducted our casting and completed all of the performances we had to write down our top three actors. My group had four actors that we needed so we wrote down our top four instead and we gave this to a lecturers then an hour and a half later we were told who we were having in our Advert.  My group got three of the four actors we wanted as the fourth actor was required in another advert however he did say he would do advert to which means we got all four of the actors we needed. We then had to go through paperwork with them and get them to sign the release forms and give them their scrips, we also got their contact details so that we could talk to them over the half term and let them know what they were doing for the advert.

 Today we started preparing to film for this we printed off all the necessary paperwork that we would need including extra Scripps and shooting scrips.


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