Petes Applying media theories

Task 3
My film relates to props character theory because of their roles, however my characters do not relate to all of props characters. each of my characters relate to one or more characters from his theory such as Annie relates to the hero as she is the good guy in this situation. she is also the princess/prise as the stalkers main target is to kidnap or kill Annie. She is also the victim in this, because every thing that has or is happening to her is not her fault it is because of the background of the stalker. the stalker also take the role of the villain in this film, this may not be his own fault but because of the way that he was brought up, being shown no love or affection, however this could be his fault because of the the way he is handling the situation. The stalker also takes the role of The Dispatcher because of the way messages that he has sent annie this may of meant to be sensoir but just scared Annie sending her on her escape route, this could also of affected the ending when he catches her, because if she hadn't of run he may of maybe to been as erosional.

 Yes of story has an equilibrium equilibrium is at the very beginning when Annie is sitting at the bus stop waiting for her bus. There is a disruption in our interactive film and this is when Annie gets her message from an unknown caller which Scares her and sends her on her adventure there is also a new link equilibriumScares her and sends her on her adventure there is also a new equilibrium Which is when she has escaped or when she was captured/killed.

 I think that Annie does go through some of the stages of the heroes journey that Joseph Campbell described such as the quarterly venture which in her case would be when she gets an unknown message from her stalker saying that they will be together and that he’s been watching her, this is what I sent her on her escape route.   In a kind of way she also goes through the stages in the heroes journey of The helper as she is being helped by the audience to choose which way to go actions to take. She also has a transformation when she decides to stop running and fight she transformed from the scared go at the bus stop to the brave girl who is willing to fight for her life.  She also in some endings  goes through the last stage  which is the return as she is able to escape and return to her normal life.

 Yes there is a conflict between our two characters which arises from positioning of binary opposite against one another such as the good and the evil ( Annie being The good and Danny being evil).

My casting decisions were informed by the representation of my characters such as I wanted Annie to look quite inferior and scared without licking week. Are you so wanted her to be a shorter hi then the stalker to make her seem less powerful. The stalker was  was represented as a creepy person with a dark figure so would be wearing dark clothing but would also have a white mask on this was to make him seem more intense and mysterious towards the person he stalking. Advantage the girl to have mid length brown hair and to be less intimidating than the stalker for the reason that she is meant to be the victim in this situation. I was able to find Annie you fitted this idea of my victim, I was also able to find Danny who wasn’t the ideal person to choose however because the stalker was wearing a mask the whole time it wasn’t exactly priority with costing.  We presented Annie as a normal college student so she was wearing them every day close however we Presented Danny slightly differently as he was the stalker so he was all dressed in black with a third and a white mask.This was to make the audience understand what our characters were like. I did manage to get some intimidating angles for the stalker and some less intimidating I goes towards Annie however the lighting was not as I wanted it because we did it out in the town.

  In first scene of our interactive film we have a screen recording of a text message conversation between Annie and the stalker this is to  tell the audience what has happened and put the message of how it started across to the audience.

 I think the audience will be able to use our film to help understand the dangers of stalking however this particular interactive film was just for the purposes  of entertainment for the audience and to let them choose their own ending they would prefer.

 We encoded the information that the villain is the villain because of the way he speaks to her over message and by the way he acts for example by stalking her and saying you will be mine. Do you want to understand that he is the villain over these things because he won’t leave her be. Do you think I did information that Annie was the victim by the way she was acting when the messages were coming through and how she was sounding sad scared and worried Which presents her as the victim. We also presented Danny as the villain as he was wearing dark clothing and mask to hide his face.I also managed to make him look more sinister during editing as I did slow motion shots of him and fast motion shots of Annie so it seemed as if everything was in real life until she looks back at Danny
the stalker and everything slowed down. We also have the music running throughout the interactive film which is a gloomy,Dark and cynical soundtrack to makes it more intense. Different audience members may decode  our film of a way to show the dangers of stalking and what not to do. This is a different interpretation then what we Intended on as it was just for entertainment however this is a good message to take away.

Task 3 b
I chose the film Obsessed as it is a stalker based film
 I think the Characters are similar in the way that there is a misunderstanding between the two and this leads to an obsession over the other.  However in the film I chose the positions are swapped And the woman is the stalker not a man. I also think this is similar in the way that the stalker in both my interactive film and the film I chose to compare it to both end up with the character getting aggressive towards the other for example, in my film if you don’t escape your overcoat or captured and in the other film the woman gets aggressive both to the man she is stalking and his wife. In both my phone and the film of my choice the motivation is  created by the want/need to be with the other character and the girl is if they can’t have them no one can.  I think in my opinion they do fit into props carry theory in the way that stalker is both the villain  and other character in my case Annie is the victim.

I think the narrative structure of the two films do you have some similarities and some differences. The similarities are that the obsession starts off with first contact, when I say is thisI mean when they first meet and they have a conversation the feelings develops and becomes obsession, They are also similar in the way that the stalker does not want the person they’re setting over to be with anyone but then this is shown in slightly different ways in my interactive film and the film of my choosing. It is shown differently in obsession  because instead of being upfront and contacting the person to say they want to be with them she goes behind the wife’s back and pretends that they’re having an affair to get rid of the wife.  Whereas in my film there is no partner to the victim so there is no need to go through those stages. The two films measure up to the heroes journey in a way that there is a call to adventure in both of them which is when the obsessional starts and the victim realises.  I feel as if they both have a transformation in it where they change slightly in my film it would be when Annie decides to stand up to her stalker to get away. The transformation in obsession is when the victim decides to do something about it i.e. contact the police and get them involved with the situation.  My film is obviously a lot shorter than obsession so The story goes through the heroes journey theory a lot quicker and it might be headed to see some sections of this theory whereas in the film obsession the sections will be a lot longer and easier to find.

 The conflict in my film comes from when Annie spoke to Danny in the canteen and was really nice to him but after that conversation continued to ignore him and his obsession grew over her, I feel like this is very similar to that of a film, In the way that the session started when they first met and this became the conflict between stalker and the victim as well as the stalker and the victims wife.  This conflict could come from binary opposition in a way, because  there is the typical good and bad however the bad person is not necessarily trying to be bad for sake of it.

I think the representation of the main characters are use stalkers are very similar in both my texts and the text photos because even though they have different backgrounds and different characteristics the end result of this is possession both ended the same  I.e. violent and  scary. Characters dress sense is completely different as one of them is a woman and the other is a man. The woman has very bright colourful clothing and very stylish clothing whereas  my stalker is dressed all in black and has a white mask.  My character and character from abscessed are completely different because the woman in obsessed is more outgoing and flirtatious whereas my stalker is a quiet loner that has never really been shown any kindness towards them which is how the obsession from Annie  had developed. In the beginning they both behave differently and behave how their character words but towards the end they become very similar.

the ideological viewpoint is that women are dangerous, that they are a temptation and that you shouldn't get involved to them where as in my film is saying that men are dangerous because they of there obsession.

 Both my film and the film that I chose to compare it to our for entertainment purposes however I do feel that the audience mayHave some more awareness of this issue after watching either my film or obsessed.

We encoded the message that Danny is a stalker by adding creepy music and making the striped very scary. I think it was mainly just for entertainment purposes only, however I do think that if somebody has a similar situation the comparison text may give them some ideas  on how to deal with it. Such as getting the police involved as this is important in that sort of situation.  This is the same for my film that there were no purpose encoded messages But it’s all about how the audience decodes it there could be messages in there that one purposely put there but people have  received it differently.


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