Petes Report on Contexts

Task 2 Report on Contexts

What genre would you classify your film as?
Our film is a this is a thriller because it’s about a stalker and though out the film the tension during the film.

Think of three other example from the same genre?
Braking bad
Maze runner

How do they relate?
Our film and the films I choose are related because in all these films we follow the story of the victims. These films are based in a city’s of some sort, there are building all around and our film is in a the town centre.

Why do media producers use genre?
So that the audience can get more information is in the film and you know what you are watching and so that producers can compare what genre is doing well at the time so that can produce a well rated film

Why do audiences use genre?
We use them to decide what they want to whatch because different mood mean different genres

Who is our target market?
Our target age is 14-18 we chose this age range because they are into genres like physiological hours, action and stuff like this. We thought that this would be good for what we are filming as these genres are most likely to be appropriate to this age range.

What is the appeal of an iterative film then to other?
I think that the appeal to it would be that you are in control of the ending and that you get to choose it. for example if you were watching a movie and you absolutely hated the ending there is nothing you can do about that except complete whereas in an interactive film there are multiple endings and if you don't like one you can chose another rout.

What are the most effective choices to give the viewer? how can you make them care about the choices that they make?
The most effective choices you can give a viewer is is one that is life or death so that they feel responsible for the out come of the person in the film, you could also make them feel as if they are the person this will make the want to get away and make decisions not just click it randomly.

If you have too many many choices dose it stop it from being a story at all?
No because if there are lots of choices which ever one you pick you are still following a story line.

Give an example of some sort of story line?
The Chase this one gave me different ways to go to try and escape the people chasing him.

Explain how you decided where to put the views choices?
i thought that we could blare the scree out and then put the choices in the middle of the screen so that it is obverse that it is the views choice.

 Who is a screenplay for?
 The screenplay is for the cast and crew to read through

 Why is it laid out in the format that is? 
 It is laid out this way so that is easy to follow for the crew so they know what camera shots to do and what will happen next in the scene and also so that it is easy for the actors to read.

 Why are some parts written in capital letters and others in lowercase? What does this indicate? 
The names or in capital letters so that the cost knows when they’re speaking in the script and also the camera shots are in capital letters to so that the crew knows what angles the scenes need to be

shutting.  This may indicate that different job roles have different phone’s for example, capital letters are for crew Such as camera angles and a lowercase are for actors such as the actual script.

What sort of details are included and excluded from the script?
 The script included the names of the characters and the camera shots where is it excluded the question and what the  character looks like and also the reaction for example in one scene it says Danny reacts but it doesn’t say how he reacts leaving that up to the actor to choreograph.

Explain the script writing process that you have undertaken in your groups, showing how you thought about what to put into the script and what to leave out and example why?
In our script we have  A description of the location and where they are as well as the conversation on text message between Annie and Danny at the beginning,  we don’t have much speaking in our interactive film so instead of scripting what they will say after the first scene we have put a description of what happens to give the actors some freedom. We haven’t included the camera shots because that is up to the director and the camera operator to decide, we also haven’t included what they look like as it is not entirely necessarily.

 Give an overview of who needed to be present on set during filming (not just director and actors)? 
 As well as director and actors we will need a camera operator possibly A sound operator and maybe even a member of staff to supervise some parts

 Explain the responsibilities of two job roles during filming?
The first job role would be a camera operator they needs to be focused at all times to make sure that they get the right shorts and angles that the director wanted, they will also need to be creative and come up with some ideas for shooting. Second job role would be sound operator they needs to make sure that there is a clear sound Throughout the video so that there are no muffled voices or sounds not wanted in the end result.

 Reference: noun. cameraman or camerawoman; specifically a person who directly controls a film or television camera during filming, typically acting upon the instructions of the director or cinematographer. (Oxford Dictionary). 

 Explain how you will need to take on the responsibility of multiple jobs during your production-what will you need to do to complete your filming? 
 We will need to take responsibility for lots of different jobs this includes directing  as each one of us will be filming out separate segments so when I am directing someone else will have to take over the role that I was previously doing for example camera operator. We would have to work together really well as there will be lots of swapping job roles this may become confusing  if I teamwork is not great.

Task 3
My film relates to props character theory because of their roles, however my characters do not relate to all of props characters. each of my characters relate to one or more characters from his theory such as Annie relates to the hero as she is the good guy in this situation. she is also the princess/prise as the stalkers main target is to kidnap or kill Annie. She is also the victim in this, because every thing that has or is happening to her is not her fault it is because of the background of the stalker. the stalker also take the role of the villain in this film, this may not be his own fault but because of the way that he was brought up, being shown no love or affection, however this could be his fault because of the the way he is handling the situation. The stalker also takes the role of The Dispatcher because of the way messages that he has sent annie this may of meant to be sensoir but just scared Annie sending her on her escape route, this could also of affected the ending when he catches her, because if she hadn't of run he may of maybe to been as erosional.

 Yes of story has an equilibrium equilibrium is at the very beginning when Annie is sitting at the bus stop waiting for her bus. There is a disruption in our interactive film and this is when Annie gets her message from an unknown caller which Scares her and sends her on her adventure there is also a new link equilibriumScares her and sends her on her adventure there is also a new equilibrium Which is when she has escaped or when she was captured/killed.

 I think that Annie does go through some of the stages of the heroes journey that Joseph Campbell described such as the quarterly venture which in her case would be when she gets an unknown message from her stalker saying that they will be together and that he’s been watching her, this is what I sent her on her escape route.   In a kind of way she also goes through the stages in the heroes journey of The helper as she is being helped by the audience to choose which way to go actions to take. She also has a transformation when she decides to stop running and fight she transformed from the scared go at the bus stop to the brave girl who is willing to fight for her life.  She also in some endings  goes through the last stage  which is the return as she is able to escape and return to her normal life.

 Yes there is a conflict between our two characters which arises from positioning of binary opposite against one another such as the good and the evil ( Annie being The good and Danny being evil).


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