chris evaluation

1. Compare your WEBSITE with the film websites you looked at, at the start of term.

- Demonstrate how your promotional package conforms to existing professional examples (use screenshots to illustrate your points)

- Explain how yours is different and why. Were the differences due to creative choices, feedback from target audience, or limitations/problems you faced

1a. Justify your choices - colours / layout and design - why have you used it and does it work

Because our film genre is a physiological horror/ thriller I chose to have dark gloomy colours for our design such as Black, White and Grey. As the background colours are all neutral tone I wanted the title to stand out, so of the “The” I used the colour white and for the “Choice” I used red. I did the title in different colours because I wanted the main word (the “Choice”) to stand out. On the other hand, the “Choice” may stand out the animated background is the main future for the fount page. This idea generated from the Jumanji website as it also had an animation on the background and had bright, standout lettering. Like the Black Panther website when you scroll down on my website it will take you to the trailer, and on the Black Panther website where, you scroll down through pictures and videos. There is also a gallery, cast and crew page, and page to see the movie.

2. Discuss whether you feel that you have effectively branded your online promotional package in keeping with your Film

Yes, I think I incorporated our original brand into our website as the home page background is Annie our victim and Danny our stalker in his mask. Throughout the whole film the mask is featured as it is the main feature in the film, other then the actors. 

3. Discuss your audience's response to your website and social media

On our survey monkey we had responses from audience suggesting that we add a synopsis to either the trailer page or to the movie page itself so that The audience is able to know what is going to happen and what they will be watching before they watch it, so it gives them a chance to decide if they like the storyline  before they watch it. I think this is a very valid point, so I will go back onto the website and edit this as the audience is important.  There was also a response saying that on the casting crew page there should be photos of the crew but unfortunately, I was not able to change this because the photos we had no longer available so next time I will make sure that this has been improved.

4. Discuss how effective you feel your Website and Social Media strategy is for your film

 I feel that website was effective as it contains I think the audience would need to know such as the trailer is on the front page when you scroll down so you able to watch the trailer and become familiar with the final product. There is also a gallery which contains the images of the cast etc We also have a meet the cast section where you can press on the images of Annie or Danny and it will take you to an interview of each of them, so you can get to know more about our cast.  And the film is also on the website, so you can watch the interactive video. However, I do not feel that our social media is effective as we were unable to do regular posts throughout filming and production.
5. What would you do next time to improve your Website and Social Media strategy?

 Next time I would make sure our social media was more active and helpful because I feel that this would be the main platform for our audience. I would also hope to improve the website slightly and make it more interactive and exciting.

6. How effective was your planning? Explain why.

 I think I’ll planning was helpful as we looked at different websites and were able to get ideas on how to not only improve hours but to make them more exciting. This was helpful for me I feel because I did use ideas from different websites such as Jamaican guy with the animation on the background and also took some ideas from black panther and how when you scroll down through black panther you can see different videos and pictures, now mine isn’t as professional but I did manage to get a scroll down to the trailer onto our website.  We also looked at H5P which is an interactive site, when I say this I mean you can create interactive hotspots that will allow you to add more information to your site without crowding it all onto one page.

7. Which elements of your planning were particularly useful? Explain why.

I think that looking through H5P was helpful for us as we were able to find different elements we could attach to our website we ended up using hotspots on our casting crew page which led to 2 different interviews of our actors I think this is added a uniqueness to our site.

8. Which elements of your planning were weak? How did this impact your production?

However, H5P may have been a useful thing to learn but we did struggle with embedding it onto our website and creating the hotspots themselves as we were unable to attach the hotspots to the casting crew photos them self. We have ended up having to attach a pattern between the two cast photos which led to the background photo of Annie and Danny which had the hotspots on them.

9. What would you do next time to improve the weaker elements?

 Next time I was to prove this and try and find a way to attach the hotspots directly onto the cost images on our website.  To be able to do this I will test out different interactions on the H5P website and see which interactive elements are better than others.

10. Don't be afraid to discuss the good points of your work as well. Discuss why things worked particularly well. Explain how your work was adapted to your research/feedback etc and was therefore more successful.

I feel as if our website is quite professional and interesting, for example when you go onto the first page there is an animation on the background the words will appear separately onto the screen and I managed to get music play as soon as you come onto the website to create more over a creepy, Scary atmosphere wash on the website I think this has made the website more on unique to our film. I also think that It’s quite a good layout because when you scroll down from the home page you go straight to the trailer. The only issue is that the music from the homepage still plays over the trailer because they’re on the same page, so you must pause the music before you can play the trailer. Next time I would like to develop this so that when you scroll down the music will stop.


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