Camera Techniques.

Camera Techniques.

Tilted Panning 
This is when you use a tripod to scale up or down a subject during the attention to different pats of the subject as you do it. For example, if i had a person i was introducing to a program and i wanted to build tension i would use a upward pan so that at you see more of the body you can try figure out who it is. You can create an upwards tilted pan, by starting the tripod tilted to the ground you can start filing the feet and slowly go up the body and viser verser. I would use a downward pan if i was scaling a build to meet a subject at the bottom of it.  This would be useful in my production if I were to create a more dominating factor to a character for example if Danny was standing in a normal frame shot he would seem less dominating, whereas ifThis camera shot was used it would be like a slow  reveal to find out Who is under his mask.

This technique can also be done on a tripod you can use this technique to follow a moving object such as, a moving car or a person running/walking. For example, in our film we have people running in it so we wold use a panning movement to follow our subject. The way you do this is pretty simple all you have to do is put the camera on the tripod chose the hight you want the camera to be at and use the handle of the triple move the camera side to side following the subject. This will be useful in my production as we have people constantly moving and instead of following them the whole time making Interactive film boring if we had this camera shot somewhere in it, it would have a good effect to the scene.

Low Angle 
This is a good technique if u want to make a character or subject look bigger and more dominate. By have a low angle in our film it will make our stalker seem more intimidating and dangerous to the audience. You can crate this with a tripod or using a hand held technique to get an even lower angle. so the first thing you do is to put the camera on the tripod (if you are using one), then find the hight you want it to be at and tilt it upwards so that the subject is in frame.This would also be really useful as like the first technique this camera shot can also make Danny look more dominant and more of a scary character in our interactive film. However you can also use the same technique from a high angle to make a character look weaker and more timidWe could use this high angle in our production to make Annie seem like more of an easy target for the stalker.

 Editing techniques 
 The first technique Is The fade edit, thisIs done at the point where one clip ends and another clip begins, you will be able to add an affect to this Section so that instead of  sharply cutting from one clip to another it adds a nice faded effect this would be useful in our Interactive film where the screen recording of the text messages sent back and forth from Annie and Danny finish and where the clip of her running away starts this week at the affect of fadingFrom digital reality to normal reality.

 You could also use slow motion in your edit to create more very scary atmosphere to the scene and to create more tension. We could use this in our film when Annie turns around to see  stalker on the stairs above her as this  Will make this scene more intense, because it’s as if he’s almost  captured her and time is running out.


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