stuarts podcast


The soundtrack in my interactive video has a very intimidating and creepy music to it to relate with the psychological thriller side of the genre. This music goes all the way through interactive video.  I think it gave a good representation of genre because it made the atmosphere more scary and creepy compare to having music or fast music. If the music had a fast paced it would feel more of an exciting video where as we wanted it to be more of a scary video. The sound track is mixed into the video with the everyday noise around the areas we filmed in I think that this gave it a better philological feel because it is almost like a normal day suggesting that this could happen to anyone watching.


My interactive video does not have much dialogue in throughout however there is a text scene at the beginning between the stalker and victim. The dialogue in this seeing the trays the Chandra so I can because the stalker has her phone number and is talking to her where I’m getting into her head, which is scaring her and making her feel like she is being watched.  This brings the dormer together because of some of the things that were being said such as “soon you will be mine”  this is what makes her stand up and try to run away from the stalker who is watching her.  This relates to a psychological thriller more than any other fella because what is happening is verbal not physical so therefore is more invasive to the victim because this random person has found her number and started to follow her. There is a voice over for the texts message I think that this makes the film more philological because it is more personal and direct so it makes the fear more intense.


 In my interactive video we did not necessarily have a load of sound affects because the noises we needed such as oncoming traffic and natural surrounding noises were captured quite well in the video itself so we used that instead of putting in sound effects I feel this gave it more of a psychological feeling Because it’s an everyday thing, by having the birds in the background and the traffic going past it makes the situation feel more real because it feels like the real world which will get inside your head therefore making it psychological. I also think that if you are watching this interactive film and the sound effects are what you would tend to here in everyday life you are more likely feel more involved with the film and it will draw you in to make you think that you are apart of the video itself. At the beginning of the video there is a text message scene where the conversation is had through the victim’s phone and I have added the “ping” of the message coming through because if it wasn’t there is wouldn’t sound right.


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