Today I did some secondary research into different ways to use projetos and it would be a good idea to lean more ways I could use the projects to create a better background over the models. Today I did my second photo shoot and I used the research that I have found to previous day to help me develop my ideas. Today I wrote up what I had done in the photo shoot and I disided that I wanted to try overeating the images to see if they would look any better.

 Today I did some secondary research into video installations and I learn of two different installation artists  called Bill Viola and Craig Walsh These two artists both think too much to my these two artists both think to my  project as Bill viola does video installations and creates A video with overwhelming sound which I wish to include in my project, Craig Walsh uses projections onto Anonima objects such as trees which I plan to project in the background so also links to my final project. Today I wrote up what I had learnt on the previous day and explain how they link to my project.


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