
Showing posts from June, 2018

stuarts podcast

Soundtrack The soundtrack in my interactive video has a very intimidating and creepy music to it to relate with the psychological thriller side of the genre. This music goes all the way through interactive video.   I think it gave a good representation of genre because it made the atmosphere more scary and creepy compare to having music or fast music. If the music had a fast paced it would feel more of an exciting video where as we wanted it to be more of a scary video. The sound track is mixed into the video with the everyday noise around the areas we filmed in I think that this gave it a better philological feel because it is almost like a normal day suggesting that this could happen to anyone watching. Dialogue   My interactive video does not have much dialogue in throughout however there is a text scene at the beginning between the stalker and victim. The dialogue in this seeing the trays the Chandra so I can because the stalker has her phone number and is talking t
Today I did some secondary research into different ways to use projetos and it would be a good idea to lean more ways I could use the projects to create a better background over the models. Today I did my second photo shoot and I used the research that I have found to previous day to help me develop my ideas. Today I wrote up what I had done in the photo shoot and I disided that I wanted to try overeating the images to see if they would look any better.  Today I did some secondary research into video installations and I learn of two different installation artists  called Bill Viola and Craig Walsh These two artists both think too much to my these two artists both think to my  project as Bill viola does video installations and creates A video with overwhelming sound which I wish to include in my project, Craig Walsh uses projections onto Anonima objects such as trees which I plan to project in the background so also links to my final project. Today I wrote up what I had learnt on the
 In my first photo shoot I had an issue with the setup of my photos, I was shooting on a Tuesday for the whole day and  when I got there in the morning the studio wasn’t set up,  because of this I had to spend the first hour and a half lesson setting up the studio and finding equipment that I had booked, however out of two of the projectors I had booked one of them was already handed out for use so only one was available  so I had to do the projections with just one projector. However I did like the outcome of just one projector instead of two because I don’t think that he would’ve worked anyway. In this photo shoot my setup was going to be to have a projector on a table,   A tripod on other side of the table with the camera over the top of the projector so that you don’t get the project in the image book we get the whole projection in the photo, I was meant to have two whiteboards as the background so that the projection would show up properly I was not able to get these two boards as
In my feedback on my questionnaire I asked the question “do you have any of your own ideas on how to present this type of photography?“  I was given the idea to have more than one model and I thought this could actuall look quite nice and create the idea that women are  strong but when they unite their stronger.   after the photo shoot with more than one model I looked through the photo and the photos that weren’t pixelated because the background actually created a really nice feeling of unity.  As I’m doing  women’s rights I feel like having more than one model is quite a nice idea as in a woman’s rights man there are thousands of women stick together fighting for the same course.  I was also given the idea to have bold colours and I did this in my third photo shoot where I decided to overlay the images instead, as I was overlaying the images I didn’t need to project anything onto a white background so instead are used a bright orange background because when I overlaid the images I th
The women’s rights photography’s main purpose is to raise awareness to those who don’t already know and those who do. Women  started fighting for their rights in public in 1866 from 1888 women could vote in many local council elections over the years there have been  thousands of women’s rights movements and organisations that are there to raise awareness of the situation and help  campaign. Many women started at a young age to stand up and fight for their rights to vote and be themselves however Not everybody shouted their opinions for example, many men did not agree with women complaining and organising movements as they were assumed to be fragile beings and to be controlled by their husbands this was apparent by the fact that women were on able to vote for themselves, whereas the husbands did it for them.  I am going to create this by  using projections over the top of models to show that women are free to be who they wish to be. I am going to use different images over the years t