
Showing posts from March, 2018

Petes Applying media theories

Task 3 My film relates to props character theory because of their roles, however my characters do not relate to all of props characters. each of my characters relate to one or more characters from his theory such as Annie relates to the hero as she is the good guy in this situation. she is also the princess/prise as the stalkers main target is to kidnap or kill Annie. She is also the victim in this, because every thing that has or is happening to her is not her fault it is because of the background of the stalker. the stalker also take the role of the villain in this film, this may not be his own fault but because of the way that he was brought up, being shown no love or affection, however this could be his fault because of the the way he is handling the situation. The stalker also takes the role of The Dispatcher because of the way messages that he has sent annie this may of meant to be sensoir but just scared Annie sending her on her escape route, this could also of affected the end


​  She stands up from her space at the bus stop and nervously walks left where she Has to choose which direction to go will she go down the alley or straight ahead. She chooses down the alley and continues to walk  quickly through the alley where he suddenly appeared behind her and just watches her from the top of the stairs she turns round every few seconds and he keeps getting closer she walks as if raised attention that there is someone following her at the end of the alley she doesn’t know which way to go she turns around and here standing right there just staring at her she’s had enough she decides to fight him  She doesn’t know what happens she suddenly overtaken with the gentleman she angrily walks towards him screaming leave me alone then all of a sudden…  She kicked him she kicks him in the leg and my headbands to grab his  leg in pain she needs him in the face. She manages to get away.   She punches him in the face but is not hard enough he turns back towards her l

chris evaluation

1. Compare your WEBSITE with the film websites you looked at, at the start of term. - Demonstrate how your promotional package conforms to existing professional examples (use screenshots to illustrate your points) - Explain how yours is different and why. Were the differences due to creative choices, feedback from target audience, or limitations/problems you faced 1a. Justify your choices - colours / layout and design - why have you used it and does it work Because our film genre is a physiological horror/ thriller I chose to have dark gloomy colours for our design such as Black, White and Grey. As the background colours are all neutral tone I wanted the title to stand out, so of the “The” I used the colour white and for the “Choice” I used red. I did the title in different colours because I wanted the main word (the “Choice”) to stand out. On the other hand, the “Choice” may stand out the animated background is the main future for the fount page. This idea generated fro

Stefan evaluation

 We were asked to create an interactive film, and interactive film is that the audience is able to interact with, when I say this I mean there are  multiple scenarios and endings to each interactive video and the audience is able to choose how it ends.  In the lessons we have been preparing for the final interactive film by doing research into other interactive films,  for example, the research I conducted was on a YouTube clip called the chase , In this you able to choose which way to go to escape the people chasing you. I based my interactive film on this clip in a similar scenario.  We also had to create a group branch chart of our  first scene that would lead off to our own branches that we would direct for example Our first scene starts at Lidl’s bus stop and then there are three options on which way to go left right straightahead my direction  was left and this led to different scenarios throughout the branch. We  also did a test run,  in which we became Familia with the software


i  used a mix of colour in my website, the colours i used were red, white and black because i think it relates more to our genera of horror. i used the colour black as the background for text, videos and gallery. Because our film genre is a physiological horror/ thriller I chose to have dark gloomy colours for our design such as Black, White and Grey. As the background colours are all neutral tone I wanted the title to stand out, so of the “The” I used the colour white and for the “Choice” I used red. I did the title in different colours because I wanted the main word (the “Choice”) to stand out. On the other hand, the “Choice” may stand out the animated background is the main future for the fount page. This idea generated from the Jumanji website as it also had an animation on the background and had bright, standout lettering. Like the Black Panther website when you scroll down on my website it will take you to the trailer, and on the Black Panther website where, you scroll down thro


In this lesson we have been practising using hotspots. Here is the one i made, when making this you can add several different hotspots witch can contain Text, Images or videos.

Camera Techniques.

Camera Techniques. Tilted Panning  This is when you use a tripod to scale up or down a subject during the attention to different pats of the subject as you do it. For example, if i had a person i was introducing to a program and i wanted to build tension i would use a upward pan so that at you see more of the body you can try figure out who it is. You can create an upwards tilted pan, by starting the tripod tilted to the ground you can start filing the feet and slowly go up the body and viser verser. I would use a downward pan if i was scaling a build to meet a subject at the bottom of it.  This would be useful in my production if I were to create a more dominating factor to a character for example if Danny was standing in a normal frame shot he would seem less dominating, whereas ifThis camera shot was used it would be like a slow  reveal to find out Who is under his mask. Panning  This technique can also be done on a tripod you can use this technique to follow a moving object