
 Week three carousel media
 Today in the media carousel we filmed an advert for a bit pen. When we got into the classroom we came up with ideas in groups of five or six and then presented them to the rest of the class and chose the best idea.  The idea is that we came up with was to have a rubber still the Bic pen from a house whilst the owners are asleep, then the owners wakes up and come downstairs to catch the rubber in the act, then they would have a fight over it, one of our other ideas was to have a classroom setting with a bic pen on the table next to someone and then one of the other students would try and steal the pen of the table, before he can do that the owner grabs it and they have a sword fight with the pens. The idea we chose was group 2  and it was about four hippies that go to the moon with a bic pen and fighting alien with the pen as a weapon. Anja and I did the Pops for the advert. We made space helmets and an alien mask for the production. Making the helmets and the props only took us one lesson so once we have done we joined  to help other people.  We helped with the sound effects that would run over the live short. I also help  with the lighting in the actual production so when the cameras were rolling the lights were right.
 On day two of the carousel we edited the short films we made an introduction. Instead of editing own we edited another groups films. We didn’t edit it  like normal instead we did a Soviet montage edit. This is where you use repetition of scenes or images in the video. We showed this by putting the end videos at the beginning and the end so that they repeats throughout the video.


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