
Showing posts from October, 2017

white balance

The week before last we did a lesson on white balance. white balancing is a process of removing unrealistic colour in the camera. We did this because we wanted to get a more natural colour. if the image had a to cold feel then we would put an orange or red coloured paper to balance the colour of the image.  This will then make the cold feel more natural like every day lighting.  If the camera has a too warm Phil and the colour That could be seen on the camera wasn’t more orange, red tone we would place a blue sheet of card in front of the lens to tone down the orange in the natural lighting.   You can also use white balance to create an atmosphere if it is not being shown on the screen, for example, if you wanted  The surroundings to look cold but it was the summer you could use this to create that feeling of coldness with the blue tint.  You could also use this blue Tim if you wanted to present it as being nighttime and you’re shooting during the day.  The bluey tone from the white b

Evaluate the phyco scene

 Today we screamed I work psycho shower scene, in which we had to create sound effects to add into a scene from psycho (Specifically the shower scene ). We first did this by watching the scene and listening to all the sounds we can hear and from there we listed  what sound affects we needed to create.  I feel like our production that we created was good, we could’ve added a few more  sound effects into production.  We were originally in groups of 4 to create the sound effects but then we split off into pairs to do the production.In our group we couldn’t find our sound effects that we created because we couldn’t remember where we save them, so we had to use noises from have a great and of the Internet.The sound affects that went well in our production where the shower because we managed to get it on good timing when the shower start so does the noise, we also managed to find some creepy nois The sound affects that went well in a production where the shower because we managed to get it o

light workshop

On Thursday in our lighting workshop we were put into groups of five and experimented with four different light setups. In all of theses setups the were three lights the key, the rim and the fill. The first setup we worked with was the red head the redheads have 1000 Watts each 3000 Watts altogether,  all this energy together is too much to put into one extension cable if you did the lights wouldn’t work.  These lights are very bright at the highest power, even though they were extremely bright they had a low coverage and focus, I found these lights quite easy to handle and easy to work with. Health and safety of these lights was that the units were very hot and had to use gloves, that the lambs could explode so you had to use mash. The second set up that we worked with was the dedo  lights these lights  300 warts all three of them add up to 900 W which can be plugged into one socket. The brightness was moderate because they were too bright but they won’t dark.  Overall the coverage w

Seen soundtrack analysis aaaaaaa

 Baby driver first driving seen bank robbery.   Music  Music would normally be a non-diagenetic when only the audience can hear the music but in baby driver the music is being played into headphones and also in the reality of the movie. This means not only the audience can hear it but it is being used in the actual reality of the movie so the characters can hear it to. The song that is being played in this scene is called Bellbottoms, this song is a very up beat bubbly tune and fits in well with this scene. Bellbottoms is being played into the headphone of Baby who is in sitting outside a bank whilst his passengers are inside the bank robbing it. The song starts of with an upbeat tune and no lyrics, before the singer starts there's a silence and then it goes really quite.  The beginning of the scene starts with a car pulling up outside bank, then Baby turns and looks at the camera and presses play on his iPod this starts the song bellbottoms.  When the song starts The passengers


This week in the carousel we did photography, I think that this was useful and will help me with my media course. On this carousel we learnt about shutter speed, shutter speed is the length of time that the shutter takes to close and how long that the digital sensor inside the camera this exposed to light, the faster the shutter speed the sharper the picture. We went around the collage taking photos to test the shutter speed, we did this by changing the time that the shutter takes to close and see what effect this had on the image. The tolls we used were a digital camera.

final evaluation

sound effects

On Monday we got into our groups that we were in before to create the sound effects so that we could edit them in to the video. Unfortunately our in sound affects didn’t save so we could not use them, but instead another group let us used their sound and we use video converter to get siundv effects off the Internet. We started off by turning the sound off the original video so that you can hear the sound effects we created. Once that was done we found the appropriate sound effects for the moment in the scene, because we had to use sound effects off the Internet we had to use video converter and the site that we used was quite slow so we only got the sound effect of the knife stabbing. Foley is when you make a sound effect from every day item that will be added in to a movie or video in post probuction for a better sound quality.  To get the sound effects we did a workshop with different items such as to make a stabbing noise we used a knife to chop up a cabbage, we also used a bucke


 Week three carousel media  Today in the media carousel we filmed an advert for a bit pen. When we got into the classroom we came up with ideas in groups of five or six and then presented them to the rest of the class and chose the best idea.  The idea is that we came up with was to have a rubber still the Bic pen from a house whilst the owners are asleep, then the owners wakes up and come downstairs to catch the rubber in the act, then they would have a fight over it, one of our other ideas was to have a classroom setting with a bic pen on the table next to someone and then one of the other students would try and steal the pen of the table, before he can do that the owner grabs it and they have a sword fight with the pens. The idea we chose was group 2  and it was about four hippies that go to the moon with a bic pen and fighting alien with the pen as a weapon. Anja and I did the Pops for the advert. We made space helmets and an alien mask for the production. Making the helmets and t

audio evaluation


We made this gif in lesson today