
  1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)
  2. List under the following Today in the carousel we did Fashion, the first thing that we did was to mix the ink, unfortunately because the ink powder was so expensive we want allowed to mix it ourselves. Once the inks were mixed we took colour swatches and write what colour we saw because after the colours go through the heat press they become more vibrant. After that we created a design to go on the tops of a film crew (these designs didn't actually go on to tops).
  3. In the next session we used embroidery hoops to pull and hold the fabric whilst we sewed on to out designs to create patents and outline the words "crew". We also used wonder web to attach fabric to our designs and to create a different texture to the materials. Once the fabric was attached we   secured it by sewing around the edges with the sewing machine this was to make sure that the material didn't come off easily and to make it last longer.
  4.  On the Wednesday we continued with our designs we did some hand embroidery to develop different shapes and designs on our previous design. We had to start off by threading the needle once this was finished we used different kinds of stitches to create different patterns and designs.
    • Research that you carry out in these sessions
    •  The primary research that we carried out during these two days was that we did the activities ourselves and creating our own designs.
    • secondary research we carried out was when we looked at the power point that was given to use by the teacher to help us use the materials given to us whilst creating a design.
      Skills that you have tried, 
    •  During these two days we have used a series of different skills such as creating a design with powdered ink,  how to use a sewing machine with an embroidery hoop,  how do use wonder web to attach materials to our designs and to handstitched different patterns. 
    • Any processes and methods you used.
    •  The processes were mixing the inks, creating a design, using a sewing machine and embroidery hoop, using wonder web and how to handstitch.
    •    We weren't able to mix inks ourselves because they were too expensive but we did see how it was done, first you put a tablespoon of powdered ink into a paint pot, next you put a tablespoon of water in with the powder, After this you use the same spoon to mix it all together.
    •  To create your design first draw an outline in pencil on some paper of what you want paint (Remember that when you print this design it will come out the opposite way), once you have created the outline use your chosen colours to fill it in, Once you have filled in your outline put  A piece of fabric on top of it in the heat press, press it down for 1 minutes, when the time is up take the fabric and your design out of the heat press, the design will have been printed on to the fabric.
    •  First thing to do with any embroidery hoop is to place the fabric on top of one of the hoops and then use the other hoop to press down inside of the first hoop this will pull your fabric tight and make it easier to sew, after the fabric is in the embroidery hoop lift the foot of the sewing machine up and put the hoop underneath, before you start sewing put the foot down, once the foot is down you can start sewing your pattern on the fabric by pressing down on the pedal underneath the table.  When you have finished sewing lift the foot up and pull your embroidery hoop and fabric out from under it, there will be string attached to your fabric you will need to cut it to detach your fabric from the machine,  once this is done and you have finished your design you can take the fabric out of the embroidery hoop by pulling the inside hoop out of the middle.
    •  To use wonder web you first have to draw a design onto tracing paper, (like the heat press your design will come out backwards so flip the tracing paper over to you have it the right way round), when your design has been drawn trace it onto the smooth side of the one the web and place it on your chosen fabric, iro when your design has been drawn trace it onto the smooth side of the wonder web and place it on your chosen fabric,  place it onto the ironing board and put a sheet of fabric over it to stop it from burning whilst you iorn it, Iron it for about 5 to 10 seconds then take the fabric from over the top of it off and cut your design out, when your design has been cut out pull the back of the wonder web off of it and iron it onto your design,  to secure it to your design use the sewing machine to so around the edges of the material.  
    •  To handstitch you have to start off by threading the needle once this has been done cut yh string to arm's-length, then create a knot by wrapping the end of the string around the needle and  pulling it downwards.  When this is done you can start sewing your design. 
    • Any tools that you used.
    •  We used some paper, Paint brushes, paint pots, pots of water, powdered ink, fabric,  heat press, embroidery hoop, sewing machine, different materials, tracing paper, pencil, wonder web, iron,  scissors,  needle, thread.


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