Kingsmen Pub Fight Scene
Technical, visual and Audio codes

  • This scene starts with a establishing shot of the pubs outside in which Eggsy and Harry are in. the purpose of this shot is to show the audience the location and to set the scene.
  • As well as this there is a medium shot of the two characters sitting in the pub at a table, the purpose of this is to show the relationship of the characters through the space between them, this suggests that they are not close friends.
  • There are lots of over shoulder shot in this scene this is used to show the characters are having a back and forth conversation, there is also a fair amount of shot reverse shot used, to further emphasise the flow of the conversation.
  • There is a close up shot of Harrys face to show that he is not happy with the comment that was just said to him and that he disapproves.
  • There is also a Dutch tilt shot to show that Harry has locked the top of the door and is now going to lock the door at the handle, furthermore the dutch tilt shows abnormality, in this example the abnormality is the fact that Harry, an old man is going to fight a bunch of fierce youths.
  • Clothing: The way that Eggsy is dressed shows that he is from the street, whereas there way that Harrys is dressed show that he is posh.
  • When Harry tells Eggsy that he has made disappointing life choices Eggsy facial expression changes to an angry/annoyed look, the purpose of this is to show that Eggsy dose not like how Harry is talking to him.
  • The colour of the pub is a brown and cream colours to show that it is a oldish/dated London bar.
  • Gesture: When Charlie walks into the pub and sees Eggsy he angrily points his finger at him, the purpose of this is to make the angry atmosphere more effective.

  • Dialogue: Eggsy and Harry are talking in the pub the purpose of this is to give us more information on Eggsys background.
  • Sound effects: When Harry locks the doors of the pub the sound of the locks are made louder to increase the tention.
  • When Harry is fighting the men in the pub there is I major key sound track playing over the top to make the scene more intense.  


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