
Showing posts from November, 2017

top jobs

•       My top job in this industry would probably be camera operator because I’m quite interested in different shots that you can take and different photo angles, I think this would be and a useful skill to learn about for the film and television industry as will be using equipment like this in our upcoming collage news production. The skills the a camera operator will need is to know how to use the equipment so that there are no accidents during filming. They will also need to have good  attention to detail to makes sure that there is nothing in frame that shouldn’t be there, such as a boom microphone or a crew member. They will also need good listening skills so that they can hear what is being asked of them by the director so that the scene would not have to be shot again because of a mistake  or error with the camera .  They would also need good concentration to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the scene footage for example if the camera was out of focus they would nee

Pete’s lesson

 Week 1 Representation is when one person represents a minority or a religion. The movie that we like looked at was called barely lethal this movie looks at breaking stereotypes such as girls can’t fight as it is based on a female teenager agent and how she wants to escape the agency to go live a normal teenage life although it breaks the stereotype of girls being weak it strongly in forces stereotype of the new girl at school not knowing how to dress or how to act. In the school there were lots of different clicks as per usual in stereotypical high school movies. It also breaks the stereotype and race of how black people are followers as Samuel Jackson please Prescott.  The man in charge of the agency, Samuel Jackson also plays Nick Fury from the Marvel franchise suggesting that he is a powerful character. Week 2 A hypodermic needle is when audience is passive, this means they go along with what they’ve been told.  Lots of audience these days are passive because of the hypo


INT. Studio. Ahawyhorn  In the opening scene there will be two presenters sitting on a sofa (full body) shot they will start off by introducing themselves and the show they will say how regular the show and then will introduce what’s coming up on the show when this is done we will cut to a VT with one of the segments (college wide news) INT.  Library   The college wide news will be shot in the library this will consist of any news around the college such as student events that are coming up and will be a full body shot INT. Studio  The next segment will be top five music of the month this will be saw in the studio as a J&J box  this is where we have Jamie and James both judging the same music and with two different personalities would have to be different and unique point of you.  INT. Reception.  This next segment will be on local student discount this will be short mainly in reception but will have the VT of different shops and how much student discount you get at them. A

tv research

The Tv how I chose to research is British Bake Off i feel like there is a lot to talk about due to the quality of the production. set/location of the production The set is well presented and set up colour palette and tone used within the show The set colours are very neutral containing white and brown rustic colours. hair and makeup All women have hair up is its long enough as it is a food based program. clothes All contestent are wearing apron and the judges are casual. presenters performance The presenters are well presented and use formal and technical terms when talking to contestants

tv show

Task 1 introduction of show collage wide news top music of the month local student discount adverts (different collage departments) interview staff student union introduction top movies of the month  So as the show is on New Year’s Day there should be a New Year’s theme to the show, for example the presenters could be surrounded by party decorations and cups as if there was a new years party that hadn’t been cleaned up yet.  This will make the show less formal and more relaxed.  We could also rearrange the studio to make it look like a student dorm room, there could be kitchen appliances And a TV surrounding them. They could also be presenting from a sofa to make the show more chill as if you were in the student dorm room.  The last option is to arrange the studio as if it was the classroom, so there will be lots of tables and chairs in the room and on one of them would be a presenters.This makes the show relate to the audience as it will be shown round colleges and stud

creating an interview

When creating an interview make sure that you leave yourself time to set up and find the angel that you want to film before the person that you are interviewing shows up, so that they don't feel intimidated by the camera. During the interview make sure to keep eye contact with the person that you are interviewing so that the convention feels more natural and so the that the audience knows that there is another person in the room, you can also nod your head when listening to what they are saying to make them feel more commutable another thing you have to do when filming two people in an interview is not to brake the 180 degrees rule, this prevents the audience from getting confused because if you film from to different sides then it will seem as if both you and the person that you are filming are sitting and facing the same way and this would be confusing for the audience.


 What is the audience?  An audience is the people that consume media. Why are audiences important?   The audience is important for the media industry because if there wasn’t an audience there wouldn’t be any media.  The audience is important media because this is how they base their productions, for example if there was a larger percentage of people watching actions then comedy’s then more actions will be filmed because appeals to a larger range of people. The impact of technology on the  audience?  New technology has had an impact on the media because audiences have become more fragmented.  Fragmented means the division of audience into smaller groups due to wide spectrum media outlets.  Larger priority of the audience are now using on demand, catch up, phones etc  Technology has affected how audience watch their programs in this way.  Whereas before technology you had to tune in at a certain time on a certain day to watch a program.  Types of audiences?  There are two types