
Showing posts from October, 2018
 We did this on pictochart Because there are a large range of templates for us to use, however I decided to create my own template instead of use one provided because it would have  unique design  For this task we were put back into our groups of four and given for psychographics. Before we were given work alternative, leading edge,  The retired, and the  explorers. As these four didn’t really go together we decided to get rid of the retired and the explorers I replaced them with the reformers as it fitted better with the alternative and leading edge. We then had to do research into these three groups to develop our knowledge. When we had got the information that was needed we had to make a presentation on our product watched including our psychographics. For the presentation we decided to split it up evenly and use Google slides so that we were able to work on it together and help each other without having to use the same computer. I wrote about the use of green screen and I’ll add