
Showing posts from January, 2018

Petes Report on Contexts

T ask 2 Report on Contexts 1. What genre would you classify your film as? Our film is a this is a thriller because it’s about a stalker and though out the film the tension during the film. Think of three other example from the same genre? Taken Braking bad Maze runner How do they relate? Our film and the films I choose are related because in all these films we follow the story of the victims. These films are based in a city’s of some sort, there are building all around and our film is in a the town centre. Why do media producers use genre? So that the audience can get more information is in the film and you know what you are watching and so that producers can compare what genre is doing well at the time so that can produce a well rated film Why do audiences use genre? We use them to decide what they want to whatch because different mood mean different genres Who is our target market? Our target age is 14-18 we chose this age range because they are into genres like
today i started making the website layout

the choice

The choice   Stalker has said he is coming for you in an attempt to escape you must make quick decisions to get to safety Scene 1  Annie is standing at Lidl’s  bus stop when she gets a text message from an unknown caller they have a conversation Annie is asking who he is  and how he got her number but the guy is being suspicious and not answering the questions directly  he says you will be mine look up and across the street and I can see a black hooded figure she decides not to wait for the bus as the added figure is coming towards her she tries to run but she only has three choices left right straight 2  She chooses left towards college 2a  After choosing going left towards college she has two options one high round the corner so that he doesn’t know where she’s gone  He sees her 2b or to keep walking straight all the way to college. 3a  She can go down the alley towards the back of Lidl’s  3b  She can run past him 3c-d She chooses keep walking she can either go strai

the choice 15

The choice 15    (14-18) phycological horror we chose this age range because they are into genres like physiological hours, action and stuff like this. We thought that this would be good for what we are filming as these genres are most likely to be appropriate to this age range. if we were to advertise our film on social media we would probably advertise it on places like Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter because our age rage are more likely to use these site more then they would use other such as Facebook because this is for an older audience.

web research

JUMANJI When you go on to the official site for Jumanji there is a small animation with moving words and water another noticeable feature is the Jumanji crumbs playing in the background. The Jumanji official website also con sites of: Home  Get  Tickets Jumanji Tree House 360 Meet The Avatars Rhino Run  Videos  Gallery Cast and Crew About  This is a screen of the official website. On the actual website you will notice that the name of the show is animated to shrink and enlarge.  Black panther  Black panther has a  extremely well laid out website as soon as you press on the website it takes you to the trailer which you got a watch all the way through or skip there is a buy ticket section synopsis section, cast section, gallery, music section, partners , As when is this you can scroll down through the pages where there is a few videos on leap with questions over the top that you scroll down to find the answers to as you scroll down images float up and it tak


 Both of the movies that I choose to research use Facebook and Instagram as their platform of advertise meant so they use it to promote the film with trailers and videos and behind-the-scenes clips in my questionnaire I found out majority of people use  Snapchat and Instagram for social media so Instagram is a good place to advertise films but maybe not Facebook because not as many people use it however it may be more popular with older generations such as between 25 upwards as it is a more used  social media for them. The posts to advertise the films are very regular but usually every day so it could be one and then an hour later another one and then not one to the next day usually post I put up during the day, but students will be at school or college during the day so most likely won’t see year and we skipped past it later on in the day so they can see other things or talk to people.  However this is a good way to promote the movie on Instagram because the videos

media form


Production evaluation.

 Production evaluation.  1. Full I will set design we originally researched on having a calendar background of 2018 of the upcoming shows and events we planned this so that we could show as weathers tell people about the upcoming events and cross them off as they went . Unfortunately we were unable to do this as the design was too complex so we thought about making more childish but it didn’t look right so we had to change the idea. Next thing we came up with was the one we used in the show we decided to have clippings of newspaper articles and events in NewsOn our backboards so that our set was more related ball to the program because it was 2018 we also decided to have 2018 on our backboards one letter for each board this looks really good and to finish off we had coloured lights on each board. We also had to do a graphics so we decided to have a projector behind the sofa is projecting onto a plane whiteboard graphics were Jan 2018 and fireworks this looks really good as our show